Friday, August 10, 2007

Latest and Greatest

The term is very close to being over. I am very excited to type those words. Exams have consumed every waking moment of my life for the last 3 weeks and some of my sleeping ones. It has been hectice what with the writing exams, proctering exams and marking exams. I need a holiday. Off to Durban, South Africa next week with ice cream and the warm relaxing Indian Ocean. Never has a vacation been so needed.

Otherwise everything is swell. I have very vauge plans for building a netball court at my school for the girls to play netball on. Something like oldfashioned basketball with no dribbling is netball. There are circuit wide tournaments relatively often but our girls don't know the rules, so they either don't go, or go and look foolish. We want to fix that. Anyways, I am in touch with another volunteer organization out of the UK that basically sends out teams of youth to build thinks like playgrounds and soccer fields. There is a possibility that our site could be approved and they would come and take care of our urgent netball court need.
In other sports news I took an under 13 boys soccer team to town to play in a tournament. They were beat, although it was a close match. With a little proper coaching they would have won. The tournament was sponsored by a local hardware chain so there was chalf for the lines, referees, goals, and even juice and sandwiches for the players. They were estatic. I had decided that a soccer team needs a proper name and right before our first match i sat them down and we were going to vote. One of the players stood up and said "Sir, we have a name." It turns out that we were the 'Mighty Gunners' from the first day of tryouts. Adults really just mess things up. Find them a ride and somewhere decnet to play and they really will take care of the rest.

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